It all begun for Afgin around the mid 90’s.
Somewhere around the summer of 1995 was his first experience with what was called then, Goa Trance. Those were the golden years of the Goa trance style,from the crazy full moon parties in Ko-phangan to the many colorful sunrises. That was a time of the underground parties in Israel.
Afgin remembers his first party when he 16 years old. Not more than 40 people there, but it was so powerful and different than what he had seen before, especially the strong message this music gave him, influencing him…and it still does today, also for many people around he world.
In 1998 he got curious at the making of this amazing tunes and started working on his computer with the Impulse Tracker program. Until today he still has those first old tunes he made.
In 2004 he finally build his his home studio. His music is truly fully inspired from Goa trance, which is the rarest and most unique around on the scene today. He feels that he can send his message only through this powerful music, express himself and his inner feelings.
Afgin’s music a mixture of emotions and psychedelic atmosphere wrapped around with positive energies. From Man With No Name, MFG, Astral Projection, Shakta to Transwave, they all have important part in is inspiration.
Afgin hopes to bring a new age of fine Goa days! Keep The Spirit Alive! Keep the Vibes alive,that is the need of our times and the true Goa spirit.